Receta: Sabroso Salchipapas

Hay una variedad de recetas simples que son deliciosas y fáciles de imitar y hacer en casa.

Salchipapas. A salchipapa or salchipapas is a fast food dish commonly consumed as street food. The dish's name is a portmanteau of the Spanish words "salchicha" and "papa" (). Salchipapas typically consist of thinly sliced pan-fried beef sausages and French fries, mixed together with a savory coleslaw on the side.

Salchipapas This dish is sold in some fast food restaurants too, and even in the stadium during football matches. Some variations include different kinds of sausages as well as sweet potatoes or yucca instead of regular potatoes. You may accompany the dish with several sauces, like ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, or aji (chili). Puedes tener Salchipapas utilizando 15 ingredientes y 5 pasos. Así es como logras ellos.

Ingredientes de Salchipapas

  1. Prepárate 3 de Salchichas (Frankfurter Würstel).
  2. Necesitas de Papas.
  3. Necesitas de Mayonesa.
  4. Prepárate de Crema de aceitunas.
  5. Necesitas 2 de Paltas.
  6. Es de Cebolla china.
  7. Prepárate 1 de Tomate.
  8. Prepárate de Cebolla.
  9. Prepárate 1 diente de Ajo.
  10. Es de Aceite de oliva.
  11. Necesitas de Jalapeños.
  12. Es de Sal.
  13. Es de Arúgula.
  14. Es de Rabanitos.
  15. Necesitas de Durazno.

Salchipapas are Latin/South American style fries served with hot dog sausages, and are a traditional street food or fast food in many Latin countries. These Ecuadorian style salchipapas are topped with tomato onion curtido salsa and a homemade salsa rosada. Salchipapas is a very popular Peruvian street food staple that began as a poor man's dish. The name of the dish is derived from the names of its main ingredients - salchicha (sausage) and papas (potatoes).

Salchipapas tutorial

  1. Pelar, cortar y freír las papas. Soazar las salchichas..
  2. Para la mayonesa de aceituna, mezclar la mayonesa clásica con la crema de aceitunas..
  3. Para el guacamole, pelar y retirar la semilla de la palta, batir ésta y agregar el tomate, la cebolla ambos cortados en cubitos y el 1/2 diente de ajo con los jalapeños picados finísimamente. Agregar a todo ello aceite de oliva y sal..
  4. Para la mayonesa de palta, mezclar la mayonesa clásica con una palta batida. Agregar cebolla china. Verificar la sal..
  5. Para la ensalada, limpiar la arúgula, cortar los duraznos y los rabanitos. En un plato, colocar una "cama" de arúgula y sobre ello, colocar los duraznos y los rabanitos. Agregar un chorrito de aceite de oliva y sal..

Sold by numerous street vendors, salchipapas is made by frying thinly sliced sausages and combining them with french fries. Salchipapas is a very popular Peruvian street food staple that began as a poor man's dish. The name of the dish is derived from the names of its main ingredients - salchicha (sausage) and papas (potatoes). Sold by numerous street vendors, salchipapas is made by frying thinly sliced sausages and combining them with french fries. Salchipapas is one of those dishes you are going to find all over Colombia on the kids menu at restaurants.

Video de Salchipapas