Cómo Cocinar Perfecto Llapingacho

Hay una variedad de recetas simples que son deliciosas y fáciles de imitar y hacer en casa.

Llapingacho. Llapingachos are Ecuadorian potato patties or pancakes stuffed with cheese, cooked on a hot griddle until crispy brown and served with peanut sauce, fried egg, tomato and onion curtido, avocado slices and hot sauce. Serve one llapingacho covered with peanut sauce. These are typically accompanied by a fried egg, rice, sausage, avocado and tomatoes, onions, fresh lime juice w/ romaine lettuce.

Llapingacho Potato pancakes Ecuadorean-style-llapingachos-are seasoned with Spanish spices, stuffed with cheese, and served with a simple, delicious peanut sauce. Llapingachos are mashed potato pancakes or croquettes stuffed with cheese that are typical of Ecuador. They are usually prepared with onion, oil and ground achiote. Puedes cocinar Llapingacho utilizando 8 ingredientes y 5 pasos. Así es como cocinas ellos.

Ingredientes de Llapingacho

  1. Prepárate 5 de Papas cocidas con sal.
  2. Es 2 cucharadas de Mantequilla.
  3. Prepárate de Longaniza cocida y dorada en sartén.
  4. Es de Huevo frito.
  5. Prepárate de Cebolla rallada y curtida tomate, cilantro, y limón.
  6. Es de Queso en trocitos y cebollín.
  7. Necesitas de Aceite.
  8. Necesitas de Limón y sal.

What are the llapingachos served with? These croquettes sometimes accompany patacónes (also known as patacónes pisao or tostónes), that consists of green plantain, which are flattened then fried. Coloring: The achiote powder gives the patties an orange color. If you don't have achiote, add a teaspoon or two of paprika.

Llapingacho instrucciones

  1. Muele las papas, agrega Mantequilla hasta que tenga consistencia suave..
  2. Forma pastelitos pequeños y rellénalos de queso y cebollín. En un sartén coloca 1 cucharita de aceite y dora los pastelitos de papas.
  3. Mezcla la cebolla rallada previamente curtida con el tomate y el cilantro. Agrega limón y sal al gusto.
  4. Fríe el huevo y la Longaniza.
  5. Para servir : pastelitos de papas, longaniza, huevo frito y la mezcla de la Cebolla aliñada con tomate y cilantro.

Or just leave it out altogether. Cheese: Ecuadorans typically use a young white cheese called queso blanco for stuffing llapingachos, but you can use Monterey jack or mozzarella.; Use finely minced white onion instead of scallions. Salsa de mani is a savory warm peanut sauce made with peanut butter, milk, onion, cumin, achiote, cilantro and hard-boiled egg. In Ecuador, this delicious peanut sauce is a must-have topping sauce for Ecuadorian llapingachos or potato patties. It's also very good on top of boiled yuca or cassava, boiled potatoes, as well as with other vegetables and meats.

Video de Llapingacho