Receta: Delicioso Ajiaco

Hay una variedad de recetas simples que son deliciosas y fáciles de imitar y hacer en casa.

Ajiaco. Each region of Colombia has it own specialties and characteristic dishes. For example, in the capital of the country Bogotá; Ajiaco is a very popular dish. There are different versions of Ajiaco Bogotano , but it's usually made with chicken and three kinds of potatoes, corn and an herb called guascas.

Ajiaco Ajiaco (Spanish pronunciation: ) is a soup common to Colombia, Cuba, and Peru. Scholars have debated the origin of the dish. The dish is especially popular in the Colombian capital, Bogotá, where it is typically made with chicken, three varieties of potatoes, and the herb Galinsoga parviflora, known locally as guasca or guascas. Puedes tener Ajiaco utilizando 8 ingredientes y 4 pasos. Así es como logras que.

Ingredientes de Ajiaco

  1. Es 1 k de Carne asada del día anterior (pollo, carne, longaniza, etc).
  2. Prepárate 6 de papas pequeñas o 4 grandes.
  3. Es 1 de cebolla grande.
  4. Necesitas Trozo de pimentón.
  5. Necesitas 2 dientes de ajo.
  6. Es 1 de zanahoria grande.
  7. Necesitas de Sal y pimienta.
  8. Es de Ají color o merquen.

In Cuba, ajiaco is prepared as a stew, while in Peru the dish is. This hearty soup is a specialty of the mountainous region around Bogotá, and one of Colombia's most famous dishes. Aji is traditionally made with chiles that haven't been seeded, but you'll probably find it plenty spicy without the seeds. Ajiaco is a Cuban stew consisting of different indiginous root vegetables.

Ajiaco paso

  1. Desmenuzar o picar carne del asado del día anterior..
  2. Picar verduras en tiras, ajo en cubitos y la cebolla en pluma..
  3. Sofreír la cebolla, el ajo, luego agregar las otras verduras y la carne sofreír, agregarle sal y pimienta a gusto, añadir una pizca de merquen o ahí color, añadir agua hervida que tape las verduras..
  4. Se cocina hasta que las papas estén cocidas..

It is incredibly tasty and nutritious. A native dish that symbolizes who Cubans are as a people and how diverse their ethnic backgrounds came to be formed. It was a blustery winter night and she served a huge clay pot of Ajiaco, a traditional Colombian chicken soup. There was something different about this soup, so I asked if there was a secret ingredient. Indeed, there was one flourish: an herb called guascas that imparts a deep grassy flavor essential to an authentic bowl of Ajiaco.

Video de Ajiaco